16 February 2010

Another hoop to jump through...

Well, I saw Dr. Levine (my medical oncologist) today. For the most part, the visit went well. My weight is up to 179 lbs. I have the paperwork to schedule my PET scan for the first part of May. That's the good news. Here's the hoop I have to go through; I have to see Dr. Williams (my surgeon and ear, nose & throat dr.) this Thursday. For the past month or so, there has been some small pain on the right side of my tongue. Mostly when I drink soda or something like that, so I told Dr. Levine about it. During the exam today Dr. Levine found a small, circular hard spot on my tongue near where they took the tumor out. Dr. Levine is pretty sure that is nothing serious and the spot is likely benign, probably nothing more than either scar tissue or perhaps an a suture that is trying to come out, but he wants a specialist to check it out to make certain it is nothing to worry about. Dr. Levine is so certain that it is nothing serious that my next appointment with him isn't until May after the PET scan.

While Dr. Levine is pretty sure it is nothing serious, it is still frustrating to have another step added to this already arduous process. Hopefully, Doc Williams will be able to look at it and tell me straight out what it is. If not, I'm sure there will be more steps involved so they can figure out what this one is.

Here's to hoping...


Jerri G. said...

We will pray for continued good news!

Kathy Klosterman said...

I will pray for you and your family that all turns out good!

Dani said...

Glad it was a good appointment! I'll pray that your doc says everything is fine, too! :)