This one is tough. Just when I thought I was almost out of the woods I have to deal with this again. While the vast majority of me is ready to fight and kick cancers butt again, there is a part of me that just wants to jump up and down, yell, scream and just throw an all around fit about how unfair this all is, but what good would that do? I can't have that negativity. I know life is unfair. I also know that people are only given what they can handle. But, just the same, sometimes you wanna scream, you wanna cry, you want someone to tell you why, and you think that all the hope that’s in your heart is not enough to fend off the monster in the night that feeds on fear and despair. I know that the only way to, once again, beat back this monster is to stand and fight. Cancer has underestimated my heart, my desire, my will and the steel in my spine. Again. I won the last round. I plan on winning this one too.
So, here we are again, standing at the edge of the abyss looking the monster in the eye one more and telling it; "Bring it on. We took your best shot last time. We'll take it again and we'll beat you. Again."
We're off into the abyss. Stay tuned. It's gonna be one hell of a fight.