01 February 2010

quick update & a few words about a true hero...

Hey all. I know I said I would let y'all know about how things went with Dr. Z., but things have been hectic the last couple of weeks. Sorry. I'll explain what has been going on in a bit. But first...

The appointment with Dr. Zinreich (my radiation oncologist) went very well. She says my mouth, throat & tongue are healing quite nicely. In fact, she couldn't use a regular tongue depressor during the exam. She had to use a metal one. That is a good thing. She said my tongue is strong and healthy. YAY! She wants the PET scan scheduled for sometime in April. She didn't set an exact date because she wants Dr. Levine to examine me first. That appointment is Feb. 16th. I will be sure to update everyone on that appointment.

Now, as to why this post was so late. Not only has day to day life been very busy, but I had to go back to Cincinnati for a funeral. My grandfather passed away on January 20th. He had been in a over 2 year battle with prostate cancer. One of the reasons I have been able to fight as hard as I have with my cancer is because my Grandpa paved the way for me and showed me how to fight. He showed me that will and attitude go a long way in determining how your treatment will go. He was a great man and mere words just cannot describe him or the impact he left on the lives of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The best example I have of that is the way Lilli talks about him. Every time we went back to Cincinnati, Lilli would ask/demand to go see him and whenever something about World War II comes on tv she wants to watch it in the hopes of seeing Grandpa on tv. Katie & I are convinced that in Lilli's mind her "Grandpa Ed" single handedly won World War II. He was a man of few words, but he didn't need to say much, he let his actions speak for him. He was an inspiration and he will be missed.


Jerri Gundrum said...

So glad your appointment went well! Thanks for the update!

Dani said...

Well said! He will certainly be missed. And so glad your appointment went well, Ken! Can't wait for more good news on the 16th!!!